Sunday, December 5, 2010


Abba... we belong to you. You are the only one I want to belong to. I love the way you wrap your arms around me. I love the way you love me. I love that the only thing that can transform me is you who are love. Captivate my life for this one thing, for love himself, the man Jesus. I am your sweet perfume spilled out to this broken world.


  1. Yeah, I may be your number one blog creeper, so here I am commenting again:
    I was actually looking for this song once I got home, but now my search is over. They played this video at The Awakening today. Another sign that you should definitely come check it out. I think (know) you would love it... come with me next week, maybe? Or sometime over Christmas break. :)

    I love you!

  2. The song is, that's not the word. I'm not sure there IS a word that truly defines what this song does to my soul. INSPIRED. Maybe that's the only one to use. Thank you for sharing. I won't forget this one. I need, have needed and always will need an Abba..a Daddy.

    Aunt Sandy
